In March, the Chino Rotary Club hosted the annual Dan Stover Music Contest. We had some great contestants and identified a winner who will be moving onto the next round of the music contest. Hopefully we will see him at the District Conference.
CP Phan did a great job planning for the month of March. Thanks to CP, we were able to participate in the Sweet Cases Program by Together We Rise. Through their program we decorated duffel bags for foster kids with a teddy bear, hygiene kit and blanket.

In April we have a lot coming up including Stepping Up for Boys, the District Conference, the Debbie Wilson Teacher Mini-Grants, more craft talks and an update on Arianna Fajardo and her little sister from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program.
We also have a lot to celebrate as JV Cuasito and Narvee Intarachote welcomed new children into the world. Zeb Welborn and Chris Foster are not far behind with children due in July and August.